Laughter dulls pain, stimulates immunity, lowers blood pressure, blocks stress hormones

I’ve just been reading about how great laughing is for us and it seems so incredibly in line with the wonderful benefits of reflexology that I had to share my findings with my lovely clients!

The physical act of laughing calms anxiety.  It relaxes muscles, hence the expression “weak with laughter”, and can lower blood pressure Laughter blocks stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin that cause wear and tear on the system (I know some of you will be relieved by that!)

There are claims that laughter stimulates the immune system to produce cells that fight disease and tumours.

Natural Remedies To Boost Immune System With Video By Sachin Goyal

Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins which make us feel good and dull the pain sensors.

I hope you’re enjoying the Spring which is definitely in the air and I look forward to seeing you very soon.  Oh, and if you hear any good jokes between now and then, be sure to bring them to your next treatment!

Very best wishes, Rosanna 

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